Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Blog # 3
Its three a.m in the morning, after a long night out you arrive home and head straight to your bed where you immediately fall asleep. You enter a new world, not the matrix not "reality" but you enter the world of dreams. (In the reading on page 41) it states that " From 1981 to 1990 120 mysterious deaths occurred in Atlanta where healthy adult men were dieing in there sleep." This sparked up the question, can dreams kill people? A dream is illusions caused by brain stimuli. (on page 42 of the reading) The matrix has the same definition. While you are sleeping you do not have your five senses to your disposal, the only thing that is triggering your thoughts is your brain,so in reality the only thing controlling your brain is your brain itself, just like when you are in the matrix your brain is what controles you, but is your brain powerful enough to controle your five senses while you are fast asleep.(In the movie) Neo sees himself in the matrix as he wants to see himself, his hair is different and all the plugs in his arms magically disappear, so his new appearance is a illusion to his reality, but what is actually the illusion? Have you ever had a dream you were falling off a cliff or down a flight of stairs and when you wake up you are on the floor because you fell off your bed? Did you ever realize you always wake up before you fall to the bottom of the cliff? You wake up and you are on the floor, your brain realizes that you have awoken from a dream and instead of falling to the bottom of the cliff you have in fact only fell three feet off of your bed. When you wake up you feel the effects, your heart rate has risen intensely and the arm you fell on is battered and bruised. What if you didn't wake up from that dream? Do you think you would in fact feel the effects of actually falling off a cliff, would you fall to your death? Your five senses are working because you feel the affects of falling off the bed, if your five senses equal reality then you falling off the cliff is in fact 100% real.
In conclusion no matter where you are, it is all reality. Whether you are in the matrix, in reality or dreaming the fact of the matter is your brain is what controles all three of these realms. What you believe is real in that moment and time is in fact reality. Even if you wake up on the floor, two seconds earlier your brain had your body convinced that your were in fact falling off a enormous cliff and your hart rate is what proves this theory. Your brain is what controles your body, your body is just following the commands it has been programed to follow from your brain since birth. What is real? Real is whatever your brain allows you to believe is real.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Blog #1
I belive if man was adapted to being in the cave everyday for there whole lives not able to move there necks arms or legs, not able to move or see side to side or behind them that we would believe that this is what life is. The only thing we would know is the wall of the cave, the light from the fire and the shadows of the people and animals behind us. If we did the same thing on a day to day basis since birth we could not even imagine what the out side of the cave looks feels or smells like. We would not even know we were in a cave. If the cave is all we know then it is our reality and everything else is fake.
Blog #2
Monday, September 21, 2009
“I am a cyborg”
On May third, 1991 I became a cyborg. A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a man-machine, a person who is so dependent on machines that if you took the tools of technology away from him his whole life would be different. I beleve we are all cyborgs.
I wake up in the morning turn on my light and enter my bathroom where I turn on the faucet. The television says it will be 35 degrees today so I should put on something warm. I walk into my room I put on a pair of jeans, a sweater and I leave my house. I reach in my pocket take out my metro card and swipe it in the turn style. I walk up the staris and rush to make it to the train, sitting in my seat not moving at all, my body is moving at thirty miles per hour. My stop has arrived, the doors open while the voice from the speakers says “thank you for ridding new your city transit.” I arrive at LaGuardia Community College and walk right threw the automatic door. Waiting for the elevator I finally enter. Standing straight in place I am moving vertically to the seventh floor. I walk to room c723 to Dr. Smiths class, we are ironically discussing cyborgs.
Within that hour span I use countless forms of technology just to start my day. Whether it be the magnetic currents that power a Metrocard swipe, or the electric volts that move a train, our every day lives have become so dependent on technology that not only do we take these technologies for granted, we don't even realize we are using them at all.
We are all born as cyborgs and will all die as cyborgs because we don’t know anything different. From birth we have been trained to accept man made technology as an essential part of everyday life, without considering the ramifications. Everything from the warming of water in our homes to the computer I am typing this essay on, man has become so dependent on technology that they have become one.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
About me
When you first look at me you see only what your eyes allow you to see, you see my appearance. Tall, skinny, dark skin, shiny ear ring and baggy cloths. An appearance many individuals may get the wrong impression from. An appearance, no matter how good the prescription of your glasses, are will never change. The only way you would see the real me is if I handed you a pair of x-ray glasses and let you see what’s inside.
I am an eighteen year old man determined to succeed. A man who is driven by the numerous amounts of doubters and the pessimists who say I cant do it. I am a man who is tenacious in the act of making my life purposeful, a strong willed man who is searching for his calling.
My regrets are unmistakable, if only I had the will power in the past that I am driven by in the present, the obstacles I am faced with today would just be side streets on a main highway. My goals have been set , and now I set my standards then they have ever been.
I know I am capable of what ever it is I desire, and so does my family and friends. I am a kind hearted, caring, funny individual, who puts family first, loves sports and will thrive. I am one hundred percent Greek, and no matter how big the obstacle, I am ready to stomp on it. I guess it’s the Spartan blood in me, I am John Petropoulos