Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Reaserch Blog Info

This is wear you can see my updates for my Project

Blog #10

The main issues research writers seem to face when writing a research paper is plagiarism. Even though the writer does not copy the source word for word the writer often takes ideas from the source and states them as there own. You can tell when a plagiarist mistake such as this occurs when the writer is thrown from there style of writing and adds in the quote/statement as if it was his/her own. This throws off the reader because the style of writing are two completely different styles and most of the time that is how plagiarism is caught. As for me my biggest flaw is that i am lazy. I have fixed this problem this semester but I still find myself procrastinating when writing a paper. I must fix this problem and not always wait till last minute. Waiting till the last minute always comes back to haunt me. There have been many times I have not written up to my capabilities because the paper has been rushed. When i procrastinate and wait till the last minute my final paper is not as good as I can write it. Waiting till the last minute does not allow you to stretch your brain and come up with theory's that the readers have never heard/seen before. When i write i think my advantage is that i am able to stretch my brain which leads to stretching the length of the paper. Theory's, Hypothesis that you come up with when you do not wait till last minute are phenomenall. But when a paper is rushed you can tell there was not much thought going into it and the reader can tell that is wasn't done up to full capabilities. I be live i am a good writer and my best days are still yet to come. I have much to learn and i must leave the past behind me. I must stop being lazy because it only hurts me in the end.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blog 9

For my research project i am thinking about making a documentary about behind the scenes of a college newspaper "The Ticker". It is the weekly newspaper at Baruch which my brother Timothy Petropoulos is the Sports editor. Coming home at all hours of the night i would like to get a grasp of the hard work and dedication it takes for a student who is success full in all his classes to manage the time between studying, editing and writing articles along with having a job working for a online newspaper "NY hoops.com". I would like to interview different people in the staff office and go behind the scenes of how the newspaper is actually run as well as the hard work it takes for the paper to actually get made. I will be keeping a separate blog which i will be keeping track of all the activities and resources on a day to day basis. i will link the blog to my class blog so it will be visible to Dr. Smith. I am still uncertain if this is the topic i would like to do my project on because of the fact that i would need permission from the head of the newspaper to be allowed to film in the newspaper office and interview the staff. If this is possible i am shure this will be my project topic. I believe i can satisfy Dr. Smith and Professor Loucca with this project because it attaches to networking as well as a visual presentation for the mass media class.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blog 8

"I consist of a biological core surrendered by extended, constructed systems of boundaries and networks."Under my skin there are bones, mussels,blood, tissue, our outer exterior stretches over these awkward ligaments in order to protect us from sickness and disease. Our skin is our shell, and in order to discover someone Else's emotions and feelings you must rip in to it. The problem is most people are afraid and would rather look instead of touch. My skin gives me a label. My dark skin tone manipulates a owner in a store to feel threatened, which leads him to believe he must follow me where ever i go until i walk out the door. Threw out my life i have been judged mainly towards my skin color. Every one i have ever became friends with has told me that they did not expect me to be the nice, kind, loving individual i am. In order for me to have picked up these traits i had to have had a great family and good parenting. My family means everything to me and they are what molded me into the man i am today. My clothing gives society a impression which is false. When i pick out my cloths in the morning i pick the outfit which fits me best for that day. If I'm feeling lazy i put on my sweat pants, when i feel happy i put on a nice pair of jeans and shirt, when i feel sophisticated i were nice pants and a button up shirt. All three of these styles give off a impression which indicates three completely different emotions/feelings. In all three of these different out fits there are three different reactions from the people around you. Sweat pants gives off a "I don't care" attitude. Casual jeans and shirt gives off the "cool, calm and collected" attitude. Nice pants and a button up shirt gives off the "confident" attitude. This is the label society around us has put in place. The connections and net works which penetrate these boundaries are our everyday lives, our surroundings. Living in a slum were you would have to fight everyday for food and money is the envirment you were placed in. This penetrates your emotions and you have a distinct view of the world through your eyes. Its like living in a jungle, your mentality is only the strong survive, so you have to make shore you will steal whatever it is you need to become the Alpha male, to build your reputation. If you were to live in the burbs your attitude on life would be extremely different. You would believe in order to survive you must go to a prestigious college and pursue a job which will earn you 6 figures. As for me who is right in between i have the belief that i should pursue what ever it is that makes me happy, i should not steal, but if someone try to steal from me and harm my well being, i must harm them back. I access the Network of well being and goods in my life when i wake up in the morning. I go downstairs and breakfast is waiting for me on the table, my mother woke up a half an hour earlier then her regular schedule to make shore i eat. When i get home from school and my little brothers are the first ones at the door because they are excited i am home. The Network of the good in my life stems from my family. They are my thrive to do well for my self. The regularity of my every day existence starts with school. I wake up at 7:30, get into school at 9:15, get out of classes at 2:00, get home at 3:00, give my self two hours of free time, 5:00 start my home work, 7:00 eat diner, and continue my home work after. This is my every day schedule for five days out of the week. This dictates the regularity of my existence because if i want to pass my classes i must have a schedule in which i dedicate most of my time towards school. If i wake up in the morning put on a suit, take my brief case,drive into the city and work a 9 to 5 job that gives me the label of successful. Our skin color, surroundings, networks, schedules will always give us a label. There is no fighting it, this is how the society around us has labeled things and no matter how hard you wanna fight it there will always be some one who disagrees.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blog 5

I belive my life is based on fate and free will. I belive there are times in your life were you will have to make decisions, the decisions that you make are based on your free will. The decisions you make in life are compleatly up to you and no body else. Ofcourse there are influences around you at all times, like the angle and devil on each side of your sholder. People try to minupulate your mind and make there decisions in your life. But dont you have a say in your own decisions? Ultimetly you are the one who will make the final decision no matter who pursways you to do what. Are you going to be influence by the people around you? Ofcourse, the people around you shape the person you are, your style, personalitie and so fourth. When you make a descision you take a peice of who influences you with you, but they are not making the final decision. In the end it is your life and your life is the one that will be affected with the decision whether good or bad. Thats were fate comes in to play. Whether you make a decision for the good or the bad i belive once you make that decision your future has already been set in stone. In my life i slacked off in highschool, even though it wasent a good decision and i regret it i made the decision. By slacking off in highschool i did not get into the colleges i applied for. My free will was to make the decision to slack off in highschool but my fate by making that decision was here in Laguardia Community College. I know i must do welll in all of my classes to get into a better college and later on pursue my hopes and dreams. You have free will up to an extent, once you make a decision the fate is in the hands of your boss, principle and so fourth.

Blog 7

My reflections on the Mid-Term reaserch paper are thankful. The Reaserch paper was a great way to learn how to reaserch correctly. It also showed me how to create a Power Point presentation which i was not familiar with before the reserch paper. Learning how to create a Power Point presentation is a very useful concept because if my other classes ask for a Power Point presentation i am familiar with the concept on how to make one. The Reaserch paper also helped me learn how to write in MLA format. Before this paper i didnt know how to write in MLA format or any format in that. I just knew i had to indent and start new paragraphs. A paper that is written in MLA format gives much more information from were you are getting your information from. Its is also much neater and and looks much more profesional. My project topic was Jayson Blair. Learning about Blair made me realize how easy it was to plagerise and cheat. Jayson Blair was a journalist for the New York Times who cheated and falsely made up storys to benefit him self. The storys he was putting in the paper were being plagerised from other papers or were just being compleatly made up. This project taught me alot. It benifited me in the ways that i learned alot of valuable information and i hope it benifited others to open up the audience eyes about Jayson Blair